Building RESTful APIs with NestJS
Building RESTful APIs with NestJS User authentication is a critical aspect of any application, providing a layer of security to protect user data and sensitive information.Passport is the most popular node.js authentication library that is successfully used in many production applications. BLOGS Posted on July 16, 2024 By Jumana Jaleel (Application Developer) July 16, 2024 Introduction: NestJS is a progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications. It embraces modern JavaScript/TypeScript features and design patterns while providing a robust architecture based on Angular-style dependency injection, modularization, and powerful testing capabilities. Building RESTful APIs with NestJS is straightforward and intuitive, thanks to its modular structure and extensive feature set. Setting up a Nestjs Project Before diving into building RESTful APIs with NestJS, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed: Node.js and npm (or yarn) installed on your system Basic knowledge of JavaScript/TypeScript Familiarity with RESTful API concepts Once you have those set up, you can use the Nestjs CLI to create a new project by running the following command: Install the NestJS CLI globally: npm install -g @nestjs/cli Create a new NestJS project: nest new sample-project This command will create a new directory called sample-project with the basic structure of a Nestjs application. Creating a RESTful API Endpoint Nestjs follows a modular architecture where each module represents a feature or a domain of your application. Let’s create a simple module for handling user-related functionality. Run the following command to generate a new module: $ nest generate module users Next, we’ll create a controller for handling HTTP requests related to users: $ nest generate controller users Open the generated users.controller.ts file and define a new endpoint for retrieving a list of users: Implementing Service Logic While the controller handles the incoming HTTP requests, the actual business logic should be encapsulated in a service. Let’s create a UsersService to handle the retrieval of user data: $ nest generate controller users Open the generated users.service.ts file and implement the logic for retrieving users: In this example, we define a simple array of users and a findAll method that returns all the users. The @Injectable decorator marks the class as a provider that can be injected into other classes. Update the UsersController to use the UsersService : By injecting the UsersService into the constructor of the UsersController , we can access its methods and retrieve the user data. Adding Database Integration In real-world applications, you’ll often need to interact with a database to persist and retrieve data. Nestjs provides excellent support for various databases and ORMs (Object-Relational Mappers). Let’s see how to integrate a PostgreSQL database into our NestJS application. First, install the necessary dependencies. In this example, we’ll use TypeORM and PostgreSQL:  $ npm install @nestjs/typeorm typeorm pg Next, update the app.module.ts file to configure the database connection: In this example, we configure TypeORM to use PostgreSQL as the database. Adjust the host, port, username, password, and database fields according to your PostgreSQL configuration. The entities option tells TypeORM where to find entity classes, and synchronize ensures that the database schema is automatically updated based on the entity definitions. Create a new file called user.entity.ts to define the User entity: Update the UsersModule to include the TypeOrmModule and specify the User entity: Finally, update the UsersService to use the User repository provided by TypeORM: With these changes, the UsersService now retrieves user data from the PostgreSQL database using the UsersRepository. Adjust the database configuration and entity definitions as per your application’s requirements. Conclusion Building RESTful APIs with Nestjs is a straightforward and enjoyable process. Nestjs provides a structured and modular approach to building server-side applications, making it easy to create scalable and maintainable APIs. By leveraging Nestjs’s powerful features, such as dependency injection, decorators, and database integration, you can quickly build robust APIs that serve as the backbone of your application. Remember to follow best practices, such as proper error handling, validation, and authentication, to ensure the security and reliability of your API. Nestjs provides a wide range of plugins and libraries that can help you implement these features efficiently. Continue to explore the rich NestJS ecosystem and leverage community resources to enhance your development experience. Recent Posts Social 16 Jul 2024 Building RESTful APIs with NestJS 24 May 2024 NestJS Authentication Deep Dive 04 Apr 2024 Node.js Development to the Next Level Linkedin Instagram Facebook Youtube Recent Posts _kiebot Follow on Instagram
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